they’ve never given up on me
a fun little project while back in Taiwan this past December.
im generally not really a fan of “on location” dance videos.. but for being in the homeland, I suppose I was willing to make an exception…
probably the first project we’ve done that required a little more planning… storyboarding, and editing concept, something of a storyline, etc… although it was probably done moreso to keep ourselves in check/on schedule/focused while shooting since we literally only had one day in which everyone could be present… and also being able to incorporate arthur since he wasn’t able to physically be with us in Taiwan..
if anything, this was a good editing project for me to work on and learn from.. not just cutting/editing, but finding points of transition.. in the video itself, in the music, deciding to place certain scenes for comedic timing, even some instances of sound editing.
i’d have to say the coloring was probably the most time consuming. especially since the lighting was generally inconsistent as we worked with what we had.. fluorescent, tungsten, daylight, cloudiness… you name it, we had to work with it.
aaahhhhh so much more to learn!! another progressive step.
i hope you enjoy this one!
**thoughts on lacking inherent Taiwanese cultural depictions:
in this video it’s mostly landmark/modern locations.. the MRT, Taipei 101, 7Elevens (yes those count as Taiwanese landmarks haha). as a Taiwanese/Taiwanese-American, what am I doing to show where I am, convey my history, and tell my stories without stereotypical (and possibly contrived) portrayals?
some early morning silliness. this is what happens sometimes at 4am.. i know this whole “dancing with yourself” thing is probably overkilled already so consider it a preliminary trial of sorts… moreso a practice for some hopefully bigger projects (dancing/editing) to come soon. live and learn.
it was freezing (by California standards) so excuse the not-so-full out-ness. also concrete is not good for the body.
i literally planned out, shot three takes, and edited this in about two hours. it was one of those get-it-out-of-my-system moments. i left my phone too close to the camera thus the slight discolorations/distortion.
Filming: a medium sized USPS mail box.
Editing: Rob Tsai
Equipment: Canon 5D Mk II
Location: my garage
Song: Soho - Hot Music