they’ve never given up on me
some early morning silliness. this is what happens sometimes at 4am.. i know this whole “dancing with yourself” thing is probably overkilled already so consider it a preliminary trial of sorts… moreso a practice for some hopefully bigger projects (dancing/editing) to come soon. live and learn.
it was freezing (by California standards) so excuse the not-so-full out-ness. also concrete is not good for the body.
i literally planned out, shot three takes, and edited this in about two hours. it was one of those get-it-out-of-my-system moments. i left my phone too close to the camera thus the slight discolorations/distortion.
Filming: a medium sized USPS mail box.
Editing: Rob Tsai
Equipment: Canon 5D Mk II
Location: my garage
Song: Soho - Hot Music