台上兩分鐘, 台下十年功

"two minutes on the stage/ten years of labor off the stage"

SO!.. here are few clips we put up recently on our Instant Noodles Crew Youtube Channel. of course, Youtube has been great for dancers in that we’re able to showcase our craft and our art in an entirely different, more publicly accessible medium. 

More importantly however, is HOW we are arriving at our final product and presentation. I think the process of which dancers (and their crews/groups/teams/companies..) go through is highly under-represented.. and that there should be an active appreciation for the process as their is for the product. for the two minutes on stage at HHI, its safe to say that every group that represented their city/country spent countless hours in the lab. 

for myself, and for Instant Noodles as well, our purpose is to show and make apparent not just WHAT we are doing, but HOW and WHY, be it freestyling, on the stage, or in my room behind locked doors in front of the mirror in my underwear. the decisions, approaches, attitudes, and mentality of us as human beings all contribute to what you see on stage, in the cypher, in the battle, in the performance. we hope that you do appreciate our dancing!! but in digging deeper, we hope to present to you who we are in our process of creation… 

this is the beginning of an effort on our part to share the other side. 
