currently in Somerville, MA near Boston..

- went walking around Davis Square
- hot chocolate/ham.cheese.sausage.bagel from Diesel Cafe
- deCordova Museum, epic turkey salad sandwich/clam chowder, and Walden Pond with Ev.

Walden Pond.. known for the temporary yet impactful residence of Henry David Thoreau. Walking through the trees felt as if I was in either Lord of the Rings, or Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. the give of the soft peat beneath my shoes felt somewhat comforting. like a nice thick rug.

definitely one of the more relaxing couple of days this year. to gather the thoughts, calm the mind, and ease the soul. the next time i need to de-stress, i just need to take myself into the woods next to a lake and go for a stroll. this is truly a beautiful place.

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