Rae Lakes, Kings Canyon Nat'l Park, CA // 8.22 ~ 8.25/2016
Since passing through Rae Lakes on the JMT last year, I've made it a mental note to come back and absorb it all. Given the variability of Sierra weather, elevation gain, and long miles, we were all tested in some way, shape, or form... but ultimately trudging on with positive vibes from everyone to everyone, keeping each other going. It didn't hurt to be with some of my PT school classmates either. Super lucky and super blessed to have all these wonderful people by my side, in the mountains and in life <3.
storm's a-brewin' between Onion Valley and Kearsarge Pass.
Began raining and eventually hailing about two hours in. Karma finally caught up to me with all the great JMT weather last year.
Deciding to wait out the hailstorm for another 2 hours or so.. Pretty sure we've never set up a tent so quickly and hot chocolate has never tasted so good.
Continuing up to Kearsarge Pass after the hail subsided. pretty sure that smile more or less translates into "HAHAH what am i doing here LOL".
Big Pothole Lake and nearing the top!
One pass down! Calvin is ready for a nap.
Kearsarge Pass - 11,709 ft. and entering King's Canyon National Park.
Continuing onwards with Kearsarge Pinnacles and Kearsarge Lakes in the back
After miles of steep inclines, intermittent rain and hail, Charlotte Lake at sunset was indeed a sight for sore eyes (and arms and legs and body).
Morning sun salutations!
Breakfast with a view.
Onto the next pass!
Up and above the tree line with Charlotte Lake in the back. Thankfully, we would have cloud cover and no rain heading up to Glen Pass
Rocks, rocks, and more rocks.
Making friends atop Glen Pass at 11,926!
It's always a pleasure to meet people on the trail, learning about them, their intentions, and stories they have to share. Even with all the different walks of life, you can definitely feel the connection based off of the fact that everyone you meet out here is exactly where they want to be... in the middle of nowhere.
Another rocky descent from Glen Pass and arrival at Rae Lakes with the Painted Lady in the back.
Probably one of my favorite shots from this trip. With each passing minute and subsequent rotation of the earth, the sun's rays illuminate the natural rock formations in a slightly different way, bringing out textures and colors one wouldn't see otherwise.
Early morning sunrise as the light slowly creeps across the land towards our campsite.
Just morning yoga things.
One last one before heading back up to Glen Pass.
when you go backpacking with PT students.
- After being in physical therapy school for a year, it has been interesting looking back on my JMT hike with new eyes. For almost three weeks I had lateral R knee pain, and I hiked with my R leg circumducting, unable to properly flex my knee without pain for more than 10 or so degrees. It would also be painless after 90 degree flexion. Inclines were tolerable, however, while descending downward slopes, I could only lead with my R leg, as any hip extension in addition to knee flexion reproduced my lateral knee pain. I initially attributed this knee pain directly to my knee structures, as I've had knee injuries from breakdancing in the past.
I now know that my discomfort wasn't a result of my knee, but rather, a result of a tight IT band (which itself was a result of tight glutes and TFL) pulling on Gerdy's tubercle. I now make it an active choice to alternate when ascending steps, and consciously activate musculature that It was nice to be on this trip with my fellow students as we were all able to apply our newly gained knowledge to each other's issues, decreasing pain, and increasing our ability to continue on.
Mmmm lunchtime :D
Smoothly carved mountain sides, a remnant of ancient glaciers that once plowed through the Sierras.
Bullfrog Lake + clear views that we missed due to the storm on Day One.
Dusk by Kearsarge Lakes
Morning sunlight skimming the tops of Kearsarge Pinnacles + the little stream that simultaneously 1) soothed me to sleep and 2) made me really need to pee in the middle of the night.
Another morning yoga session courtesy of Krystal.
Almost done! All downhill from here.
We smell.