Marco Rubio: Denying Marriage To Gays "Does Not Make Me A Bigot" →
Definition of BIGOT:
a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance
Kenneth Koch talks to Mr. Rogers about feeling necessary in the world
I think all people would like to feel that they’re a necessary part of life. That they’re necessary in the world, and that life would be poorer if they weren’t in it. When you accomplish something, when you write good poetry, then I think you feel that the world would be slightly different if you weren’t in it. And that, I think, is part of what being needed is about.
Filed under: to be of use
Hollywood chillin’
word is bond
When you tell someone about your next big idea, the mental process of visualizing future success convinces your unconscious mind that it’s already happened. It doesn’t fill your body with pre-victory anxiety… It fills it with post-win celebration!
Telling someone about your big idea is almost as emotional rewarding as achieving it!
typos aside, Why telling people your goals is a fatal mistake, Peter Shallard
AUSTIN KLEON: “Are you taking any steps to keep shit real?” →
@twliterary sent me this great piece by Dave Eggers in 2000 addressing questions from a student at Harvard asking about his newfound success and “selling out.” It’s so good, hard for me not to just post the whole thing here. (Lo and behold, while searching my “selling out” tag,…